Mark Bonenfant, MCAO
Township Assessor
 906-337-2410 extension 4  [ PHONE ]

The Township Assessor determines the value of real and personal property and calculates property taxes. For an in-person inspection of your tax records, the Assessing Clerk or the Assessor are available to meet during business hours from Monday-Thursday 7:30–11:30 EST, no appointment is necessary.

You may make an appointment by call or email. You will receive a response usually within 48 hours. On the rare occasion we are out of the office, we will get back to you the following business day. If you do not hear a response within several business days, follow up with a phone call to our office. If you feel that you need your property inspected, you may call or email to set up an appropriate time for the inspection. If you would like to see records maintained about your parcel, you may stop into the office or submit your request via phone or email.

The Assessor is willing to see taxpayers and discuss any issues relating to their property values or classification at any time before the March Board of Review to try to resolve any issues there may be. Questions or discrepancies are typically resolved with an assessor review. You may stop in, call, or email our office to learn more about this process.

Property Taxes


Poverty Exemption

Principal Residence Exemption

Other Exemptions

Land Division/Combination


Helpful Links

Calumet & Hecla Office, Red Jacket Road



Red Jacket Road